Deviance’s Screenshot of the Week Profile
Deviance’s stats
Rating1,403t‑264 / 363
Total votes8t‑260 / 3638 in #257 and 0 in #500
Most votes in one contest8t‑229 / 363#257
Wins0t‑165 / 363N/A
Entries2t‑226 / 363#257 and #500
Most consecutive contests entered(2×) 1t‑235 / 363#257; #500
Most consecutive contests won0t‑165 / 363N/A
Most consecutive attempts won0t‑165 / 363N/A
Win ratio (5-entry minimum)N/A‒ / 1650 wins in 2 attempts
Plus/minus votes-93t‑273 / 363-18 in #257 and -75 in #500
Plus/minus wins-13t‑301 / 3630 in #257 and -13 in #500
Screenshot of the Week 500
45.33%1,492 (-8)
1216.00%1,755 (+103)
(as Joelmacool12)
00.00%1,173 (-49)
11.33%1,294 (-42)
2229.33%2,010 (+248)
(as Coolgamer012345)
11.33%1,319 (-44)
1114.67%1,703 (+91)
00.00%1,465 (-76)
00.00%1,403 (-70)
11.33%1,212 (-35)
Joaish (RedTribeLink)
(as RedTribeLink)
22.67%1,459 (-40)
1114.67%1,920 (+57)
56.67%1,375 (+21)
11.33%1,444 (-56)
22.67%1,739 (-81)
22.67%1,188 (-16)
16 entries75
Screenshot of the Week 257
2969.05%1,310 (+71)
Twilight Knight
(as Twilight_Knight)
511.90%1,520 (-44)
819.05%1,473 (-27)
3 entries42
Background shots by Ebola Zaire, link3505, NoeL, Pabru, PrinceMSC, and Sheik. Table style adapted from a design © by Wild Bill. All code available on GitHub.